Friday, 16 December 2011

Final Day Of Coursework

Today Friday 16th Of Decemeber 2011 is the final day of our coursework.Today I have looked through my whole blog.Starting from the very first post I made to the very last detail.Going over, re-reading and checking my checklist I had to ensure I included everything and more of what my teacher within our blog
Looking over my digi pack to see if I can make any improvements,Spelling errors or important information I may have left out.


This is the last and final product of our music video.Using various shots and locations within this music video.The music video is based upon a narrrtive of a break up and the boy reminicising about the times he shared with her.Visting the places he went with the girl.Such as the park bench,walking down the main road and sitting in a cafe.These were the ways that we intergrated this into the music video to fit in with the narrtive theme of a relationship break in the music video.


My media group had chosen to do a group Evaluation. As there was four of us, and one question was allocated to the each of us.

Below of this video explains in detail what will be happening throughout the evaluation and the reasons I have chosen to focused not only on my own allocated questions but also personally answer the other three evaluation questions.I will also include pictures and links to websites to demostarte and to show evidence of what I was talking about throughout my evaluation videos.
Question 1-In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My media group member Tamra answered the question two on the media products we used to challenge real forms of media products.Below I have also gone into some detail of how we used ,developed forms of real media products.This video I made was addition,which includes anything she may have left out in the video.

The very first point I am making in this video, is how we used Andrew Goodwins theory within our music videos.

Here is the link of the video I watched to get ideas,as they had the same relationship break up/flashback concept we all wanted in our music video.I have also spoken about this video in my personal video.This 'U Got It Bad' by the RnB artist had numerous visual and lyrics link up,so I personally watched this video in detail.Especially the cuts when going back to the flashbacks within this music video.This being something we used in our video as we felt it fitted in with the concept of our music video.

Another way I conveyed real , develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products was to create a logo.The logo I made,had the beginning intials of our names.This is something that is seen nowdays in all media and advertising products.Such as the font of a company that makes them very distintive.This is something that I was going for when creating the final logo.Through being creative,simplstic and unqiue.
In production of my advertisment I used the logos gf companys.Such as HMV retail company that supply CD's, DVD's and other media equpiment.Alongside with and Itunes.There logos would be found on well known and recongiseable brands on media products.This being something I tried to do myself and incorprate in my digi pack and advertisement.
These are the logos I used in my digi pack.

Question 2-How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Above I have made a video answering the question in dept and in detail how effective the combinations of my main product and ancillary texts was and how i used this in my music video, DIGI pack,advertisement of my DIGI pack.

Here are some of the pictures of the the ways the ways that I marketed my music video,digi pack through my  digi pack advertisement.The first one was twitter.Having the advertisements of my Digi Pack as my profile picture on twitter.

As my advertised digi pack often wrote tweets to bring about discussion about the music video.Which helps to give feedback about what they thought about the narrative .Also allowing them to see for themselves if they noticed the image used in the music video in the digi pack and advertisement,and some of them did.

Here is the photograph I print screened from the music video and put into my advertisement of my digi pack.

Here is the Facebook fan page.I add friends to join my fan page.Also some of the status updates I made talking about the digi pack and the reasons why I chose an eye.This is where I posted the digi pack,advertisement and music video, in order for fana on the Facebook page to see the links and combinations between the three.Leaving them to comment and discuss them.

The overall idea I was going for in order for the music video and anicillary text to link up together was to have the picture of the eye on the digi pack cover and advertisement to be a like.In order for people to see the resemblance between the two.The eyes being the first noticeable thing that is seen when looking at the digi pack,and linking the advertisement with also the music video.
Question 3-What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Here are some examples I was talking about in question three video. I have printed screened some Facebook statuses and discussions some people were having on  Facebook and the opinions they gave about the coursework.
This is a comment made by of our fans that regularly leaves comments on the facebook fan page.Showing her apprication the music video.Also asking questions about why we went for the relationship narrative.I answered her question in quite a lot detail,as she was asking questions.This particular fan liked the music video and felt it was a great.Even though the flashback type of music video is something she would not normally go for,however she liked ours.

Although not all of our fans commented on the video.One of the days I uploaded the music video.Within 29 minutes of uploading the the video on to facebook.We got two thumbs up.Which I have considered as postive feedback that they liked the music video

Here was one of the tweets I made on the 5th of December about watching the music video and for followers to give us feedback on it.

Question 4 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Below this question I have made an addition evaluation video of question four.I have included some  in depth details that she failed to mentioned about the various media technoligies that was used throughout the whole coursework.

Throughout the making of our coursework we used various media technologies.Throughout the making of my coursework I personally began very dependent upon it.Used Google,Ibing and amongst others search engines, to find out facts to YouTube and pictures to back up and show evidence of the work we was doing throughout the coursework.

Photoshop is what I used for the the production of my Digi pack and my Digi pack advertisement.I was not very familiar of how to use this software as it was a much more advanced version of photoshop I was familiar with.However after watching some tutorials on YouTube my knowledge became a lot better.

Here is a picture of myself using Adode computer software photoshop for my digi pack and advertisement of my digi pack.Within the picture you can see myself sitting at the Mac computer designing my digi pack advertisement. 
This was link I used to help me with the design of my digi pack.  

Here is the camera PD70 camera we used throughout the filming our music video.Using this camera we used various different shots,angle also zooming in and out throughout the video to created different shots.

The fourth question I answered regarding the different media technologies we used of conducting my planning,research,creation of the music video.I used used various websites to collect my research facts and show evidence of what I was doing throughout my coursework,and to ensure that I had evidence to show of this in my evaluation I kept a word document of all the links to show all the websites I visted throughout my time of my coursework to show the media technologies I used.

Below are the list of  links I used.Such as the youtube links I spoke about in my video to help me find the shortcuts of the Mac computer I was using.
My List Of Links

In question four video Humayra speaks about the some equipment used .Throughout the whole time of filming.Although I was the camera person I took picture odf behind the scenes of filming.Showing what each one of us were doing whlist filming.I took this through my Iphone 4,as the camera was of high quality as readily available to all of us.This phone was also used in the music video,when he was texting at the bus stop.As we were aware of the this evaluation.We tried our best to incorporate media technologies into the music video itself.

To film the evaluation videos I used. Imovies. This was software that was already on the college Mac computers. There was a small webcam inserted in the frame of the computer and that were Tamara and I filmed our evaluation question. I also used my Sony lap top to answer question three on the audience research question. This software also allowed me to use different affects such as animations and add slides to the video recording, an added bonus to the ways I used and incorporated media technologies.
I also needed help for this software.So I went back to Youtube to find a tutorial on how to use Imovie on macs,and this is Youtube the link i found.

Thursday, 15 December 2011


Today I started to begin finishing my evaluation we have each chosen a question to do.My question is number two.(How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?)My media teacher had gone through with us in our lesson how to answer the question and things to include in our evaluation.When my teacher was talking about this I personally sat down and write notes about each question.

Today I filmed myself answering my allocated question.Tomorrow I then hope to then go on to answering the other three question and putting a bit more to. Strengths and go into more detail or add more information on my evaluation of  where my group members may have left out.

Weekly Updates

Our group member Daniel (The editor) has  finally finished the editing our music video.

The next plan we are planning to make is our evaluation.However we have chosen to do a group evaluation through filming ourself speaking.There are four evaluation questions and each of us concentrating on one question  each on the evaluation.And share all four questions amongst ourselves.we could also  personally add more ourselves if we would like.whether it be through writing,personally writing up a bit about each question  ourselves,adding pictures or links to websites. 


I have made a few changes within my Digi pack to make  it more realistic.The first thing I did was include small print at the back cover of the Digi  pack.

The very  next thing Included was the the Compact Disc Digital Audio Logi on the CD itself.This trade mark on most CD covers and i thought it would be especially good to have this on my own CD Cover

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Communicating With My Group Members

Today I was unable to come into college and do coursework.But I ensured I kept on touch with my group members throughout the day.Through texting and emailing to ensure everyone knew what they was doing and make sure everyone in my group was aware  of the personal deadlines we had made as a group.

Here are some of the Texts I sent to my group members throughout the day,to my group members to communicate with them.