Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Marketing The Music Video and Digi-Pack

In order to get feedback of my music video and digi-pack.And what better way than to upload and post it on to Twitter.Its fast,easy and quick.I have to upload the furst draft of music video and pictures of my digi pack.

Felt what a great way make a twitter to market the music video.I have posted the first draft of our music video on to twitter.Throughout the day  within the next 2-3 days I will be looking at the diferent the twitter account looking and evaulating the feedback i have got on the music video and digi-pack.

I also thought to create Facebook page as it is one of the easiest ways to contacts and get people of the age group we will be targeting in our music video.I will be uploading picture,video and often make statuses explain what we will be doing and the plan we have coming up.I will also be posting my music video on to this Facebook page.