The streets song ‘Dry your eyes’ has great a narrative my group could work with. Through the lyrics and visuals in the music video was can convey many meanings, especially as the lyrics of the songs are very direct. Here we can take advantage of Andrew Goodwin’s theory where our group could use the second point his theory. ‘There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting)’ Through the visuals we are able to create a more effective narrative.(Below the lyrics are examples/ideas that could be used throughout the video)
‘I stand there for a minute starin' straight into the ground Lookin' to the left slightly, then lookin' back down’ – Here we could use a POV shot as the audience will be in the characters shoes.
‘I look at her she stares almost straight back at me But her eyes glaze over like she's lookin' straight through me’ – Close up of the girls eyes would be a shot we could use to convey emotion. A flashback of the couple looking at each other could also be used.
‘Dry your eyes mate I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up There's plenty more fish in the sea Dry your eyes mate I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts But you've got to walk away now It's over’-As we will be using various locations (The pub) the boy could be sitting in the pub with his friends, however he is staring into space not concentrating on his surrounded, then one of his friends with his come to him(put arm around him) (Multiple shot) and comforts him, as his friends say ‘Plenty fish in the sea’ the camera moves to a girl standing by the bar. (Long shot) his Friend winks at girl by the bar, The boy looks over, then turns this head and looks down (Mid shot and close up)
‘So then I move my hand up from down by my side It's shakin', my life is crashin' before my eyes Turn the palm of my hand up to face the skies Touch the bottom of her chin and let out a sigh Cause I can't imagine my life without you and me’-The boy sitting on a bench (or walking down the street.(Various shots used here e.g. long shot, mid shot, close ups. Used at a fast pace then slows back down) & the focus is directly on his whilst his surroundings are blurred out.
‘She brings her hands up towards where my hands rested She wraps her fingers round mine with the softness she's blessed with She peels away my fingers, looks at me and then gestures’-Another flashback could be used here.(Black and white animation) A close up of them holding hands Holding hands, stroking his hands and having a tighter grip of their hands, hand in hand (Slow pace)
‘Tryin' to pull her close out of bare desperation Put my arms around her tryin' to change what she's sayin' Pull my head level with hers so she might engage in Look into her eyes to make her listen again I'm not gonna fuckin', just fuckin' leave it all now’ –Flashback (Black and white) The actual break up (Outside a house/college) She begins to walk away from boy, he pulls her back, holding a tight grip of her shoulders/arms.( Multiple shot & long shot) A slight struggle of her trying to get away from him. Then they begin to argue (Using hand gestures) he then holds his hands in his head, as she rushes off and begins to walk away from him.
Throughout the music we will be moving back and forth between different locations. However at time he will be standing up or sitting down in chair behind a black back drop as he sings the remaining lyrics of the song. As this will help us to covey a direct narrative of his emotions. Using mostly mid close up and extreme close ups of his hands (fidgeting/biting finger nails/holding his hair) and back to singing.