Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Risk Assessment

There were a few precautions we have to take when film our music video to ensure we all keep safe. The first one is when walking down the room. As we have various shots of the actors walking along the main road on the pavement. We had to ensure they stayed closer to the right side of the pavement when walking. Also ensuring when doing this it does not interfere when filming

Another risk is when crossing the road with the tripod and camera. To ensure we are kept safe at all times when crossing the road to get shots of actors. We will make ensure that all equipment is packed correctly to ensure.(Camera is put away in bag along with the tripod put away in bag)Carry equipment in bags on our shoulders when walking across the road as this is the safest way to carry the equipment. Once we have crossed the road and reached the other side we will then unpacked all equipment and continue to film. This will ensure that we are safe at all times. Repeating the same method when crossing the road again.

Main scenes are taken on the roadside. On being at the bus stop it is important to ensure that we do not stand or film to close to the road as it would be very especially. Sometimes at the times we have chosen to film at.It will be important to always stand next on the pavement and as far as possible from the main road, away from the cars.
Another risk was when the actors were sitting on the bench. In a few takes we had the actors sitting on the table of the chair rather than the actual sits that are provided. Before filming we will make sure that the bench is well balanced and firmed placed on the floor. This is to ensure that when actors do sit on the edge of the bench they do not fall off. Causing injury to themselves.

The weather could also be a potential hazard as we will be filming during winter. It is more likely to rain, so to ensure there is not injuries or falls amongst the group we will. Make sure to carry all equipment in bags there and back to the scenes that we will be filming in. To put all equipment in the bag and continue to carry at all times to avoid any trips or falls because of not being able to see where we are standing or walking as the tripod or camera is in the way when filming.
One of main things that will be checked for to make sure no sharp objects or items are laying around when filming.Causing any of us to injure ourselves